Windows 10 will stop offering Rinna and Japanese Address suggestions

 After August 13, 2020, Windows 10 users will no longer be able to access the Rinna suggestion service and the Japanese Address suggestion service. As a result, Microsoft will stop providing Windows 10 users with suggestions by Rinna the AI social chatbot, or through the Japanese Address suggestion service this week. Microsoft has confirmed these developments in its official support document.

“Rinna and Japanese Address suggestion service for Microsoft Japanese IME will end on August 13th, 2020. As of that date, Microsoft will no longer provide suggestions by Rinna or through the Japanese Address suggestion service,” Microsoft explains.

For now, settings for these two suggestion services are accessible in Windows 10. But after August 13, suggestions will not be provided even if the feature is turned on.

How to access language suggestion settings in Windows 10 2004

  1. Select Start and click on the Settings gear icon
  2. Navigate to Time & Language > Language
  3. Select Japanese >Options > Microsoft IME
  4. Go to General Options > Use suggestion services

How to access language suggestion settings in Windows 10 1803 and above

  1. Right-click the IME mode indicator (A/あ icon) in the notification center
  2. Select Properties > Advanced > Predictive Input Tab
  3. Select Suggestion Services

Do you want to continue to see Japanese address predictions from the system dictionary without the Japanese Address suggestion service? In that case, ensure that you have the following settings turned on:

On Windows 10, version 2004

  1. Navigate to Start  > Settings  > Time & Language
  2. Select Language > Japanese > Options
  3. Select Microsoft IME > Options > General
  4. Choose Predictive Input > 1~5 characters

For Windows 10 1803 and above

  1. Right-click the IME mode indicator (A/あ icon) in the notification center
  2. Select Properties > Advanced > Predictive Input Tab
  3. Choose Use predictive input system, Use system dictionary
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